Friday 28 November 2014

28th Nov 2014


Sharing your ideas with the public will see your star rise. Your enthusiasm is infectious and people will come back to hear you speak. These days, everyone is bombarded with disturbing images and gloomy stories. You're able to infuse people with hope and excitement. No wonder you're so popular. Don't be surprised when you're offered a job. Getting paid to boost people's morale will be a treat for you. A relative who has always accused you of being a foolish optimist will eat their words.

I am planning on doing my bus video tomorrow. Maybe that's what it is referring to? My enthusiasm IS infectious. That's true. I AM able to infuse people with hope and excitement. I will be very surprised if I get offered a job along these lines. Getting paid to boost people's morale is sort of what I do now actually. The only relative that fits that bill is Uncle R but I'm not even sure that that is him here.

Sunday 7 September 2014

Furthering my Education - 7th September 2014

You're anxious to achieve master status - Yes, I am and I'm in a rush to get there while my mojo is working.

...but it is taking longer than you think to reach this goal. - I think the reality of how long it takes is dawning upon me, yes.

Take some deep breaths and be kind to yourself - I'll do my meditation in the morning and I'm never that hard on myself but honestly I can't afford to slacken right now.

It may take a few years to pay for tuition - I was contemplating going back to Uni but have settled for some good Coursera MOOCs instead

A series of stops and starts could delay earning an advanced degree. - OK

Legal difficulties could get in the way of attaining the success you desire. - Right...


An unortodox job will help you pay for the training you require - I am due to meet up with a friend who has a job for me putting up posters. It pays £100 per week which would be a nice little earner.

Friday 5 September 2014

Follow Your Horoscope



3rd September 2014

You should never rest on your laurels. Sound advice.

Got loads of loose ends to tie up. Must stop creating more whilst I tie the other ones up.

Well connected friend must be Lucy. She invited me to Wales in her caravan today in a couple of weeks. After the caravan I've just spent a month in then it has to be luxury.

I've said YES to her offer of joining her. The horoscope says that I ought to learn Welsh too. 'Dim' means 'no'. I know that already. What phrases impress locals? "Where is the pub?" "I think Wales is better than England?".